STRONGfit 1.0

STRONGfit aims to build a cure-all app for fitness enthusiasts, in an industry thoroughly lacking fleshed out experience and features, providing frequently desired community requests such as in-depth workout routine creations, personal best tracking and thorough statistical analytics.

STRONGfit, from inception to final product has had its primary target audience of fitness enthusiasts in mind, with continuous research performed to ensure an effective creation process.












The current solution for workouts exists in limited fashion, usually solving the same basic level problem - working out. This is essential, but it falls short again and again from genuine customer requirements which are often spoken about in the community, but never resolved.

What is missing is a platform that as well as solving the basic pain points such as customisable routines, but also allow niche features that better match higher level fitness enthusiasts’, whilst enabling a seamless and simple user experience that allows beginners just as much ease of use. This was the task that we set about resolving with STRONGfits creation.


Competitive research is a critical step in the designprocess, particularly when focusing on the user experience. Thorough analysis of direct competitors within the industrygave back insight into the key strengths and weaknesses of their solutions,their target audience and customer feedback , enabling understanding ofcritical gaps in the market and essential features that would meet our userbase’s needs.

Understanding similarly available products such as AlphaProgression, Freeletics & Hevy, we were rapidly able to understand whataffordances we should provide our users, as well as freely browse numerouscommunity requests for features, giving us an edge in the design process beforethe wireframes had even been built!

NOTE: Displayed is a compressed version of extensive research.


Grasping our target audience’s needs, motivations andbehaviour was essential in understanding our user’s perspective of products,enabling us to create an experience that met their requirements.

Within this method of research, we developed 3 personas:Jay, Olivia & Arnold, gathering particularly insightful points such as thedesire for convenience, simplicity & efficiency in Olivia’s workouts,compared to the tech savvy Jay who enjoys a breadth of customisation andtweaking within his workouts to maximise his performance.Though seemingly opposing views, this gave us theunderstanding that whilst STRONGfit should provide a depth of modification toroutines, it should be simple and fluid enough that somebody who isn’t asinterested in customisation can jump right in.


Taking our personas to the next level, we had a betteroutline for real users that would provide value into the development ofSTRONGfit, giving a deeper and realistic view of their behaviour, preferencesand pain points.In order to come into the conversation with a solidbaseline, firstly we produced some mock-ups that represented what we aimed toachieve with STRONGfit and proceeded to ask a breadth of users that fit withinthe scope of our personas 9 different questions.

Several key insights were revealed from these surveys, including:
- The majority of users found the app's interfaceintuitive and easy to use but identified a few areas for improvement in termsof navigation and organization.
- Users expressed a strong desire for personalised content and recommendations based ontheir interests and behaviour.
- Users enjoyed the ability to track their achievements across their fitness journeyand visualise their strength in one location
- Users enjoyed freedom in both creation of workouts, and their ability to change setroutines up mid workout in order to create ‘unique’ experiences within the same set routines

Based on these insights, we were able to prioritise the keyissues identified in order to improve the experience, including plenty of detail in routines, employing a recommended workouts section on the home page, more detailed achievement tracking, and an ability to modify the workout ordermid routine.


After several stages of valuable research, it was essential to map out exactly what would be the core needs for the STRONGfit platform, as well as potential inclusions that would improve the experience. We went about this via the MoSCoW Matrix Method.



The registration process needed to remain as simple as possible, displaying core elements for the user’s experience, and features that would enrich it whilst not taking away from the simplicity, such as hiding and showing password, and quick logins with social platforms.


Post registration, providing a value proposition was something we believed to be important, as we wanted the user to know some of the benefits they could reap from using STRONGfit before they got into it, improving the likelihood that we would retain their attention.

Following the value proposition, the user would be taken through some onboarding screens used to get an understanding of their profile, and what they aimed to do with STRONGfit. This was important for the app to know what content to provide the user, and what sort of workouts would fit their experience level.



The Home Page would be the first screen the user lands on, so it was important for it to remain clean, simple and intuitive. Horizontal scrollable workouts with simple titles were chosen to display here, with elements such as how many exercises were within each workout for quick recall, and the length of the daily workout so the user knew in advance how much time to dedicate to their session.


Navigating the workouts available to the user is an essential part of STRONGfit, so we ensured that keeping simplicity and ease of use was the priority. Split into three sections, Recent, Your Workouts & Focus Areas, the user is able to access a range of workouts as well as quickly return to a previously used one.

Being able to view the entirety of your routines in a library format was also an important requirement, as it made navigating the fitness journey many times easier - tying into the introduction of ‘Focus Areas’, which gave the user some preset workouts that target different muscles and muscle groups.


Creating a custom workout was another feature that would experience frequent use by users, so it was important to dial down core features, as well as quality of life features. STRONGfit’s design enabled the user to easily search and find any exercise they wanted, as well as giving the option to create their own ‘bespoke’ exercise if our database did not have it in store, providing total freedom in workout creation.


As one of the core elements of STRONGfit, it was important for the workout routine to have a strong user experience, as well as enable enough user freedom for them to achieve tasks such as making small modifications to the preset workout, for example using the drag to reorder feature. When the workout begins, simple accessibility features were included such as being able to change the current exercise, as in the small chance that the user started a workout in an order they didn’t want, they would be able to make the change without restarting the entire process.



The Personal Best’s page acted as a tool to sharpen our user’s competitive streak, not only pushing them to achieve more but also providing investment in STRONGfit. This was an important component to the highly desired progress metric, allowing a centralised view of every achievement they had made as well as comparison to others on a variety of geographical scales - From locally to worldwide. Utilised here were some simple design elements that are kept consistent through STRONGfit, the ‘Rank Colour’. Depending on the user’s achievement level, they are categorised into a level bracket, which they can instantly recognise on opening the personal bests page.


Analysed and affirmed in our research process was the desire for the user to be able to track their progress through a simple metric that displayed their target goal weight progression, as well as individual exercise progression. We utilised clean and clear graphs here to enable a sense of fulfilment when seeing an upward trend next to all their exercises, as well as allowing the user to view this in a variety of time frames, such as monthly or yearly.



Not only does the profile logically solve a ‘trophy cabinet’ featurette requirement from more advanced and competitive enthusiast’s, it also behaves as a simple and clean all in one location for application settings.


Whilst staying true to wanting our users to feel proud of their progress, the first thing we included here was a counter for each exercise that had reached the intermediate, advanced and elite level of strength! Within each setting section, we included what would be required to ‘redo’ the onboarding process without having to go through it in its entirety once again, which would allow the user to come back here whenever they want to change their fitness style. Some other inclusions here were general accessibility settings such as disabling reminders to workout, and language changes.



Many fitness enthusiasts struggle to gain a strong grasp on the diet side of health, and it is well known that 80% of the progress you make is with your diet. Having an area in app, without having to exit and scour for useful information, where good and varied diet options were prepared would up many fitness enthusiasts' games.