Taking our personas to the next level, we had a betteroutline for real users that would provide value into the development ofSTRONGfit, giving a deeper and realistic view of their behaviour, preferencesand pain points.In order to come into the conversation with a solidbaseline, firstly we produced some mock-ups that represented what we aimed toachieve with STRONGfit and proceeded to ask a breadth of users that fit withinthe scope of our personas 9 different questions.
Several key insights were revealed from these surveys, including:
- The majority of users found the app's interfaceintuitive and easy to use but identified a few areas for improvement in termsof navigation and organization.
- Users expressed a strong desire for personalised content and recommendations based ontheir interests and behaviour.
- Users enjoyed the ability to track their achievements across their fitness journeyand visualise their strength in one location
- Users enjoyed freedom in both creation of workouts, and their ability to change setroutines up mid workout in order to create ‘unique’ experiences within the same set routines
Based on these insights, we were able to prioritise the keyissues identified in order to improve the experience, including plenty of detail in routines, employing a recommended workouts section on the home page, more detailed achievement tracking, and an ability to modify the workout ordermid routine.